
Jeff is a great professional to work with. He brought fresh insights into our engineering project, made suggestions for improvements and was a great collaborator. I highly recommend him as a professional engineer.
- Grant Romundt, CEO at Ocean Builders

I’ve been reading Infinite Resources… I do need to report to you that I am finding it to be an easy read (style-wise), and both interesting and very informative.

Hard to say how it will be received by the masses, but you have done a service by writing it.

- Gordon Latos, President, GDL Innovation Inc.

Jeff is very creative and practical engineer, with these practical and achievable plans for energy production in the North, making use of a vast resource; temperature differential. Think of where else in the world you an find a 40 degree temperature differential in an Ocean sized resource. It is brilliant.
- Anonymous, Verified Purchase on Amazon

Brilliant book that encourages discussion on energy sources.
- Anonymous, Verified Purchase on Amazon

Infinite Resources

How to Sustainably Develop the Arctic, by Supplying Green Hydrogen, Fresh Water, and Healthy Food to the World, while Mitigating the Negative Effects of Anthropogenic Climate Change

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